ESG Navigator is the premier global platform to help companies capture value from ESG

Our Value Proposition

ESG Navigator empowers C-Suite executives and your teams to create a future-ready strategy: know where your company stands today on ESG (vs. peer companies and major ESG ratings) - and build robust governance and a winning strategy to capture value from ESG tomorrow.

Answers Key C-Suite Questions

  • How should we be thinking about sustainability right now?
  • How does our company compare vs. peers?
  • How does our performance map across the ESG frameworks and ratings?
  • Where can we capture value?
snake chart example

Fast & Easy

  • Get started for free
  • Complete preliminary assessment in less than 2 hours
  • Immediately benchmark with peers


  • Proprietary ESG Maturity Map
  • A tough 4-stage rating scale
  • 100 “Key Sustainability Indicators”
  • Relevant to every corporate function


  • Crafted in boardrooms since 1997
  • Refreshed annually by ESG experts
  • Vetted by 80+ companies 2019-2022
  • Data from 140+ companies

Endorsed by The Conference Board

“ESG Navigator distills 30 years of industry knowledge, interactions with dozens of CEOs, board members, and ESG expertise into an easy-to-use, online assessment tool.”

Paul Washington, Executive Director | ESG Center


Since 2015, over 80 members of The Conference Board have actively shaped ESG Navigator.”

Uwe Schulte, Director | Global Sustainability Centre

3 Pillars of ESG Navigator


Know Your Position


Chart Your Course


Navigate Changes Ahead


"I've always viewed ESG Navigator as a powerful platform for corporate leadership to assess readiness for success in a carbon-constrained world."

Dave Stangis, Partner and CSO | Apollo Global Management

“It’s a simple tool using clear language to help you understand what good, better, and best look like – and what’s expected of you as you progress.”

Scott Tew, VP Sustainability | Trane Technologies

"We take so many surveys (e.g., CDP, DJSI, etc.) - and are ranked against our peers, but we rarely gain insights from the results. ESG Navigator allows us to dig into the contributing factors - and see where the opportunities lie.“

Michel Washer, Deputy Chief Sustainability Officer | Solvay

“ESG Navigator is not another one-size-fit-all rating scheme. The Navigator organizes current and emerging ESG topics in one place. It assists practitioners in assessing the relevance of these topics to their business and, with context, examines the organization's maturity in each area and identifies improvement opportunities.”

Edan Dionne, Vice President | IBM

Over 170 Major Global Companies Participating

Companies Participating

Join Today!



✓ Access via:

  • The Conference Board

✓ Rate your company:

  • 100% confidential
  • Update 24/7/365


Engage your C-Suite


  • Bronze PPT Report
  • ESG Navigator Handbook

✓ Benchmark:

  • Vs. ~140 companies
  • Analyze at Levels 1 & 2


Deep-dive benchmarking


  • Silver PPT Report
  • Excel Toolkit
  • Internal Alignment Report

✓ Benchmark:

  • Vs. industry sector
  • Vs. industry sub-sector
  • Analyze @ Levels 1, 2, 3, 4

✓ Align on ESG internally


Full ESG Navigator Benefits

Map ESG Ratings:

  • Select from 15 frameworks & ratings
  • Map your company’s performance
  • View “stoplight” positioning vs. ratings

✓ Download:

  • Gold PPT Report
  • Best Practices Library
  • Signposts

✓ Benchmark:

  • Vs. custom peer group
  • Engage supply chain partners

Gold Plus - $8000/year

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